MHN Executive Council: More Ways to Support Your Team’s Mental Health

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Strategies to improve employee retention and avoid worker burnout.

By Jessica Fiur

Looking to improve employee retention? One way to do this is to help your employees avoid burnout. The MHN Executive Council previously shared how to support your team’s mental health. Here are a few more of their suggestions!

Take a Load Off

We encourage our team members to use all of their vacation and PTO time, so they have a chance to disconnect and recharge. As a company, we schedule mental health days off, during which we close our offices to provide some added time away.

Our management staff also makes a point of rewarding and acknowledging staff with nice gestures and thank-you notes all year long.

We plan local retreats and special outings throughout the year, with fun activities catered to each subgroup of employees. Employees can enjoy a paid day off to volunteer for one day per year at a school or charity of their choice. Regional managers and I also frequently take staff to lunch and fund fun activities for their teams.

Diana Pittro, Executive Vice President, RMK Management Corp.
 —Diana Pittro, Executive Vice President, RMK Management

Special Delivery

Well-being is core to our Living Better by Design℠ and it doesn’t just cover our design approach. It includes our own work environment and culture. We use a mentorship approach where experienced designers work with new talent in groups of team-centered Studios. These close-working relationships build trust and prevent surprises with someone who might be having a personal issue at home or in the office. Our weekly Coffee Talks provide a more organized way to keep communication channels open.

Many of us are friends in and out of the office—we work hard and play hard. We host many company outings and parties that are highly anticipated and celebrated. We have “Fed Ex” days where employees are allowed to attend professional events with the expectation they deliver something back to the team upon return. One employee visited a tile manufacturer in Spain and brought back wonderful design ideas. By keeping employees happy, engaged and growing we’re contributing to their well-being.

Mary Cook, president and founder, Mary Cook Associates
Mary Cook, President, Mary Cook Associates

Get Rid of the Stigma

To support our associate’s mental health The REMM Group offers:

  • Workshops and training sessions/seminars on mental health awareness and stress management. We educate employees about common mental health conditions, signs and symptoms, and available resources.
  • Flexible work arrangements if needed for specific roles to help employees manage their work-life balance and reduce stress.
  • Wellness programs that promote physical and mental health. In the past, we offered fitness challenges, and free memberships to gyms through some of our insurance programs, and we try to promote healthy snacks when we can.
  • Peer support programs, for example during our weekly team meetings our leadership will lead stretching and breathing techniques and hold positivity discussions.
  • Most importantly, The REMM Group destigmatizes Mental Health and fosters a culture of understanding and empathy by promoting conversations and awareness around mental health. We share stories of personal experiences, organize mental health awareness events and collaborate with mental health organizations to reduce stigma.                                                                                                                                                 

Susan McPeak, Corporate Ambassador, The REMM Group

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